Solo Cards


Posing Made Simple

Solo Cards feature 111 illustrations of stylish poses you can use as guidance when directing men and women.

You can print the cards to keep in your pocket, or add them to your smartphone for quick reference.

Or you can do what I do...

Before your next shoot, load up your favourite Solo Card poses and take a photo of them with the camera you intend to use that day.

Referencing Solo Cards is convenient and simple.

Then, during the shoot, you can take a quick glance at the poses on the back of your camera (in Playback mode, using the right arrow to quickly scroll to the first photo taken).

Your model will think you're just checking camera settings or reviewing an image...

...but really, you're actually checking your chosen pose, and directing your model while referencing it!

No more awkward 'struggling to find something that works' moments.

Just confident, natural direction.

Woman sitting on stool posing

Simply reference the Card, direct your model, then wait for the perfect moment.

56 stylish poses for women.

55 stylish poses for men.

Solo Cards will help you direct your models with newfound confidence, no matter your current abilities as a photographer.

To celebrate the launch, I'm offering a one-time 50% discount, that's only available for the next few days. 

(If you're a professional photographer, remember you can even claim the purchase as a business expense.)

Solo Cards

Solo Cards all poses

Normal Price $59 Today Only $29!

100% Tax Deductible Product for Professional Photographers