a bunch of pictures of trees and grass.

How to Turn Photos into PDF (Free Methods)

Turning images into PDF is a great way to share, store or simply organise them. Thankfully, there are several free ways to do it.

This guide will show you the best ways to turn photos into PDF for free.

If you’re using an iPhone, I’ll show you how to convert HEIC to PDF (or JPG to PDF, depending on the photo).

I’ll also show you how to create PDF from multiple images, which can be a great way to keep a collection of photos together in a single file.

Converting photos to a PDF can also make it easier to share or send them to others.

See also: Best apps for converting photos to paintings

How to Convert Images to PDF (Online Method)

three screens of a cell phone with the text scan smarter on it.

Adobe Scan

First, choose one of the free websites that allow you to convert images to PDF:

  1. Smallpdf
  2. ILovePDF
  3. PDF24
  4. Soda PDF
  5. PDF Candy
  6. PDF2Go
  7. Zamzar
  8. Online2PDF
  9. ConvertImage
  10. Img2Go

Since I’ve used Smallpdf in the past successfully, I’ll be outlining the steps to take for your first JPG to PDF conversion:

Step 1: Visit Smallpdf

Step 2: Choose Files

You can select multiple images by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting.

Step 3: Arrange Image Order (Optional)

If you want to change the order of the images in the resulting PDF, you can drag and drop them into the desired sequence.

Step 4: Convert to PDF

Click on the “Convert to PDF” button. Smallpdf will then begin the conversion process.

Step 5: Download the PDF

How to Convert Photo to PDF on iPhone

Converting a photo to PDF on an iPhone is surprisingly easy.

Here’s how you can do it using the built-in iOS functionality:

Step 1: Open the Photos App

Step 2: Select the Photo and tap on it to open it.

Step 3: Access Share Tap on the Share icon, represented by a square with an arrow pointing upwards. It is located at the bottom left or bottom center of the screen, depending on the iPhone model and iOS version.

Step 4: Find the Print Option Scroll through the available options until you locate the “Print” option. Tap on it.

Step 5: Preview the Photo On the Print screen, you’ll see a preview of your photo. Pinch and zoom if necessary to adjust the photo’s size and framing.

Step 6: Generate PDF With the photo preview visible, use a two-finger pinch-out gesture (like zooming out) on the preview. This will generate a PDF version of the photo.

How to Create PDF from Multiple Images

To create a PDF from multiple images, you can use various methods depending on your device and available tools.

Here are my 3 favourite methods

Method 1: Using Adobe Acrobat (Desktop)

  1. Buy Adobe Acrobat and install it on your computer if you haven’t already.
  2. Open Adobe Acrobat.
  3. Go to “File” and select “Create” followed by “Combine Files into a Single PDF”.
  4. In the Combine Files dialog box, click on the “Add Files” button to select and add the multiple images you want to include in the PDF.
  5. Rearrange the order of the images if necessary by dragging and dropping them.
  6. Click on the “Combine” button to create the PDF.
  7. Save the PDF to your desired location on your computer.

You can take advantage of the free Adobe 7-day trial if you don’t already own Acrobat Pro.

Method 2: Using Online Conversion Tools

  1. Visit an online PDF conversion tool like Smallpdf, ILovePDF, or PDF24.
  2. Look for the option to “Merge” or “Combine” PDFs.
  3. Upload the multiple images you want to convert into a PDF.
  4. Rearrange the order of the images if necessary.
  5. Start the conversion process to create the PDF.
  6. Download and save the resulting PDF to your computer.

Method 3: Using Mobile Apps (e.g., Adobe Scan, CamScanner)

  1. Install a PDF creation app like Adobe Scan or CamScanner on your mobile device.
  2. Open the app and select the option to create a new PDF or scan documents.
  3. Use the app’s camera feature to capture images of the documents or photos you want to include in the PDF.
  4. Rearrange the order of the images if necessary within the app.
  5. Save the combined images as a PDF within the app or export the PDF to your desired location.

Why Would You Want to Convert Images to PDF?

Here are some reasons why you may want to turn photos into a PDF format.

Personally, I like to convert JPG to PDF for the second reason, since some members of my family can’t view HEIC files on their computers. I can also change HEIC to JPG using free software.

  1. Organizing Multiple Photos: If you have a collection of photos that you want to keep together in a single file, converting them into a PDF can be helpful. It allows you to create a digital album or presentation with multiple images neatly organized.
  2. Sharing and Sending Photos: PDFs are widely supported across different platforms and devices. Converting photos to a PDF can make it easier to share or send them to others. You can attach a single PDF file that contains multiple photos instead of sending individual image files.
  3. Preserving Image Quality: PDFs are known for their ability to retain image quality and formatting across different devices and platforms. By converting photos into a PDF, you can ensure that the original image quality is preserved when viewed or printed by others.
  4. Creating E-Books or Digital Publications: If you’re creating a digital book or publication that includes photos, converting them into a PDF format is a common practice. It allows you to combine text and images into a single document that can be easily viewed and shared.
  5. Archiving and Documentation: When storing or archiving photos for long-term preservation, converting them into a PDF can be a practical solution. It helps in creating a compact and standardized file format for easy access and retrieval in the future.
  6. Presentations and Reports: If you’re preparing a presentation or report that includes visual content, converting photos into a PDF format can ensure consistent formatting and easy sharing across different platforms and devices.

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